with music by Ljung – listen here.
Emphasizing the cyclical nature of life, where nothing remains stagnant, and everything is in constant motion, reflecting the unstoppable force of time. The exhibition visualizes the continuous movement and transformation from one state to another, challenging the viewer to consider what it means to be alive, to die, and to be reborn in a world where everything is interconnected.
Exhibition supported by the Swedish arts grant committee

Fresh feet. Digital photography, pigment print on archival paper, aluminum frame, museum glass. 50x70cm

Ephemeral shape. Digital photography, pigment print on archival paper, aluminum frame, museum glass. 50x70cm

Duo exhibition with Runa Rosgaard
In The exhibitions Useless Fables
Hanna Antonsson and Runa Rosgaard
react on the human impact on/relation
to nature. With a point of departure in
fables (stories in which anthropomorphic
animals are used to convey moral
messages) they in part consider what
happens when the very animals humans
use to pass down moral tales are abused
and extinct by humanity's own hands.

Head of one, body of another. Collaborative sculpture with Runa Rosgaard. Car seat, taxidermy crow wings, servo motors, microcontroller, fake fur, silk clay, acrylic paint, wood, metal wire, metal. 150x125x85cm

Parallell stage 2. Digital photography, pigment print on archival paper mounted on dibond. 50x70cm

Duo with Taiki Yokote
The process of how something can take shape, dissolve back into uncertainty, and then form again—showing how real-time (the present moment) and another time can exist together. Yokote’s invisible stories and Hanna’s contrasts—like urban/wild, sand/stars, or headlight/fog—share the same space and time, even though they are opposites. In until soil unites, these contrasts blend together, creating emotions that flow as separate but connected experiences, always moving forward.
Exhibition supported by the Swedish Arts Grant Committé and Västra Götalandsregionen.

Auto wing X. Taxidermy jackdaw wings, junkyard car tire, servo engines, micro controller, charms. 73x50x35cm

Auto wing XI. Taxidermy crow wings, junkyard car tires, dc-motors, microcontroller, wood, metal wire, aluminium, spray paint, charm. 75x80x100cm